Wednesday, 26 March 2014

REVISION: Tips and Tricks

Since this little space on the internet consists of everything from my interests, activities and general chat; I figured even the most laborious of tasks currently consuming the majority of my free time needed to have its shining glory.
Everyone hates studying. Fact. But it's a part of our lives that we unfortunately (as much as we try) can't avoid. Now, I've been attempting to grasp the concept of studying for eh... a while, and so I thought it be time to share what I've found works for me, and what hopefully could work for you.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

nspa: Affordable Skincare

Generally, I find that if you take reasonably good care of your skin, then you will find yourself spending way less on foundations attempting to cover the countless impurities. Of course not all can be avoided, its a part of being human at the end of the day, but whether it be your diet, products you use, or even general hygiene; all these factors play a key role in the condition of your skin. 

After writing and reading through, I do realise it sounds an awful lot like a sponsored post... but its not. 

Friday, 14 March 2014

Emergency Shoe Purchases

I wouldn't personally count myself a shoe hoarder as such... in fact, if I get my hands on a versatile pair that will last me most days, then I'd rather spare the extra 5 minutes attempting to match 10 different options to an outfit. Unfortunately, I had a sole disaster whilst roaming the grounds of topshop and my beloved ankle boots had finally popped it's poor sole clogs. It was simply unacceptable to walk out knowing that my shoes were a wreck, and so my only option was to quickly pick out a pair and slip them on once exiting the pay point. Of course, I was pretty lucky that my shoes chose topshop to say its final goodbyes as the new offerings were already luring me in.

I'm 5'2 so as you can imagine, my first port of call was a stable heel that could be worn fairly casually. I figured the black boots above were quite trainer-esque with the lace ups making it casual, whilst providing me with a tad more height. Since the sun is yet to become a constant element, a warmer foot option is indeed still needed.

Finally, everyone needs a trusty pair of flats. With spring coming into play in the next month or two, I wanted to feel somewhat prepared for the odd sunnier day. The nude/pink tone suits just about any ensemble and adds a light freshness.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The Science Behind Beauty: 5 Chemicals To Avoid

Though a love for beauty is somewhat obvious, I quickly took an interest soon after in the key ingredients that make up our beloved holy grails, and how certain chemicals can make an extensive difference ... good or bad. 
I've now gotten into the habit of checking the seemingly endless list of ingredients to try and spot the nasties, sparking warning signs. 

**Le slips on the nerd glasses**

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Make Up On The Run

When being forced into having to apply make up on the run, both convenience and speed are key. Here are the immediate 'throw into bag' products when in a rush, but still wanting to look somewhat put together.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Maybelline BROWdrama: The BROWsaviour

If it wasn't obvious previously, I have a not so sneaky obsession with brows. If you're at all interested  in my reasoning as to why, then I will link the shpeel here. I know this product isn't exactly a recent release, but I felt a need to express my undying love to it for vastly improving my brow routine.. and my eyebrows in general. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

THOUGHTS: Rimmel ScandalEyes Shadow Paints

L - Golden Bronze | R- Rich Russet 
It's near impossible to resist temptation when a youtuber or blogger is fawning over a product and unfortunately... or not so unfortunately in my case, a lot of my sporadic purchases are as a result of reading or watching one too many videos or blog posts; this particular purchase being a prime example.