Sunday 16 February 2014

Detangling The Tangles

Lets begin with my current hair situation. I have waist length hair thats fine in strand, but quite thick in quantity. Now you can only imagine the sheer amount of knots that accumulate as the day drags on. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate my hair, but the amount of wasted time I spend brushing it is simply not acceptable. queue my little hair saviours...

With Wet Hair
It's a known fact that hair loses a lot of its elasticity when wet, which means the strands can break easier if brushed, but knowing how to treat it right can save you oodles of time. I first start with a quick spritz of Detangle Leave-in Conditioner by James Brown through the hair (focusing on the middle and ends), which allows the comb to glide effortlessly through without tugging on the knots. Wide tooth combs are great as they don't snag and break your hair as normal combs would. Tip: be sure to hold the section of hair your combing above to stop from pulling the hair at the roots. At this point, I also spray a little heat protector by James Brown if I'm going to be blow drying or heat styling. Other than that, I normally leave it to dry naturally to avoid unnecessary heat. 

With Dry Hair
I honestly don't do much once my hair is dry, but I would highly recommend the Tangle Teezer for those who have trouble getting a normal paddle brush through their locks. I also sometimes run a pump of argon oil through the ends to make it seem less dry; avoid a few tangles and give my hair a tad more nourishment. 

Any more tips for solving tangles? leave them in the comments! 


  1. I absolutely love the John Masters leave in detangler ( It literally changed my life paha, no more streaming eyes whilst combing out my hair in the morning! I also tie my hair up whilst I sleep which helps a lot. Good recommendation on the wide-tooth comb, I so need to get one!

  2. I need to get a tangle teezer so much!! I'm always so frustrated with my hair when I brush it since there's just so many tangles and knots. Great post!

    Yet Another Makeup Blog.

  3. I need a wide tooth comb, my hair is a mess at the moment and keeps breaking off! Lovely blog, I'm following you xx

    Anoushka xx

  4. I have the most tangly hair when it is wet and it is a nightmare to deal with, I need to get myself a good wide tooth comb but my hair is usually so knotty that it breaks it! Love this post xx

  5. I have so long hair too and the tangle teezer has saved my life! I don't even know how I survived before I got one of these :)

  6. I love tangle teezers, they're amazing. I don't know how I lived before I got one! xo

