Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Science Behind Beauty: 5 Chemicals To Avoid

Though a love for beauty is somewhat obvious, I quickly took an interest soon after in the key ingredients that make up our beloved holy grails, and how certain chemicals can make an extensive difference ... good or bad. 
I've now gotten into the habit of checking the seemingly endless list of ingredients to try and spot the nasties, sparking warning signs. 

**Le slips on the nerd glasses**

Bismuth Oxychloride:
Commonly found in mineral make up, and though does not necessarily have an affect on all skin types, can cause extreme irritation and itching on once healthy skin. If you have particularly sensitive or acne prone skin then I would choose to avoid it just to be safe. 

Titanium Dioxide/ Zinc Oxide:
Most would recommend steering away from sunscreen suited for the body on the face, and this exact ingredient holds that explanation. This can clog pores and cause that horrific white cast in flash photography, both of which aren't all too desirable. 

This is responsible for that silicone based formula in primers. However, as much as I love that smooth skin feel, this ingredient is actually well known for exacerbating acne, trapping bacteria and other impurities beneath its layer. This can often not only break you out but also increase blackheads.
lovely isn't it? 

Also known as an anti-bacterial agent. So is typically found in deodorants, cleansers and hand sanitisers/hand wash. Not only is it classed as an irritant for skin and eyes, but can pass through the skin and is said to interfere with hormone function. 

Beta Hydroxy Acids e.g. Salicylic acid:

This can increase the skin's sensitivity to the suns rays, ultimately damaging the skin and increasing the risk of sunburn. Salicylic acid is most commonly found in products targeting acne, and so if you do happen to use skincare that features this chemical then be sure to slap on a sunscreen to counteract the drawbacks. 

I know there are thousands of harmful chemicals scouring the cosmetic counters, and trying to avoid each and every one is but an impossible task. However these are just a few of the many popular ingredients to keep in mind when on the look out for a new discovery. 


  1. Never knew how bad these chemicals were!! Will definitely try and avoid them in the future :O xx


  2. Eek Dimethicone is also used in head lice treatmeant as an insecticide! xx

  3. Fab post! I hadn't heard of some of these so will make note xx

  4. Great post! I write about natural and organic beauty so reading other bloggers focusing on bad ingredients is lovely :) I would also recommend avoiding mineral oil and SLS :)


  5. Thanks for the list! I think another important point to make about Triclosan is the fact that any anti-bacterials, though especially this one, aren't great to use as they enable the bacteria to develop an immunity and become stronger because of it. Triclosan is in a lot of anti-gingivitis toothpastes, which is especially bad (I've started using natural toothpaste because of it).

