Wednesday 18 December 2013

Sleek Arrival at Boots!

I may be a tad late on the bandwagon but I was doing a little browsing on Boots (as per usual) and spotted Sleek on the 'New' tab! At this point, I certainly did little happy dance while sat on the sofa and received a few odd stares from Le Parents.

 It seems the prices are the same in both Boots and Superdrug and they are stocking everything Sleek has to offer. Now the only problem is, I have yet to see it in stores, so I'm hoping that shelves will be getting stocked up sometime soon as my nearest Superdug doesn't actually offer Sleek. I am definitely excited to be trying out more of the range as it will hopefully be more easily accessible!

Do comment below if you have spotted Sleek in your local Boots! 


  1. This is great news that Sleek are branching out! We have the tiniest Boots in the world though so I doubt we'll get it here but luckily our Superdrug have a good stash x

    Claire | AgentSmyth

    1. haha I'm opposite, i have a massive boots but superdrug don't skock it so I'm hoping it will come :L xo

  2. I am actually so happy!!! I always had to go into town if I wanted something from sleek, but now I can just go to the local Boots that's 10 min away from my house x

    Yet Another Make Up Blog.

    1. same! but i had to go half an hour into manchester or liverpool to get sleek which was such a hassle! xo

  3. ooh how exciting!im sure it will take ages to reach my Boots store least i can order it online:)xx
